Mobile Warehouse Management solution for SAP EWM and SAP WM
Beyond-RF is a SAP Certified Solution that helps to replace decade old radio frequency(RF) barcode solution with a modern fast-performance data capturing solution.

Why Beyond-RF ?
Faster Data Capture
Our native user interface helps warehouse operators to capture and process data faster than any traditional browser based RF solution leading to increased warehouse productivity
Built on android technology specifically for mobile use. Its familiar user interface is intuitive and easy to use and make for a a better user experience in day to day operations

Shorter implementation time
The solution is built with all standard SAP technologies that is well compatible with your existing SAP environment. It can be up and running in your existing SAP platform in a week The solution is built on the standard SAP technology framework and is compatible with your SAP systems. It can be up configured and running in your existing SAP platform for out of the box SAP warehouse operations within a short timeframe
Out-of-the-box Apps
Ready-to-use mobile barcode scanning solution for following SAP systems :
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management (Decentralized EWM)
- SAP S/4HANA Warehouse Management (Embedded EWM)
- SAP S/4HANA Cloud Warehouse Managment
- SAP Warehouse Managment(LE-WM)
Use all device features
Specifically built for android rugged handheld devices – The underlying technology along with the integration with printer native software makes it possible to deliver an optimum Bluetooth enabled mobile printing experience thereby maximizing your ROI on your mobile printers and improving operations in transit

Offline functionality
It offers offline functionality which allows users to continue warehouse operations despite any sudden loss of network due to unstable network areas or ‘dead’ zones. This results in seamless and uninterrupted warehouse operation and user experience